Worlds Beyond – Paul Curry


Inside this 400-page hardbound treasure-trove, you’ll find the iconic “Out of This World” in all its original glory, along with an in-depth examination and new tips. But that’s just the beginning!

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Unleash the enigmatic genius of Paul Curry with “Worlds Beyond” — the beloved masterpiece recently came back in print! Inside this 400-page hardbound treasure-trove, you’ll find the iconic “Out of This World” in all its original glory, along with an in-depth examination and new tips. But that’s just the beginning! Delve into the lesser-known gems from Curry’s work, like “Sliding Knot,” “Color-Changing Deck,” “IOU,” and “Power of Thought.” These are classic-level routines ready to elevate your parlor show. Don’t miss your chance to study magic through Curry’s unique perspective and add this essential text to your library.

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